The Unger Personal Database is a collection of approximately 128 strategies selected from Andrea Unger’s personal portfolio, which are among the most high-performing and time-tested.
These strategies have been in the market for many years. Most of them were coded between 2015 and 2018, but some date back to earlier years.
The Database offers a high level of diversification in terms of both markets and approaches. It covers 26 markets, including stock indices, bonds, commodities, and currency futures.
Concerning the Micro Database, the following markets have been added because they are considered plausible for use with “Small Cap” capitals or because the micro contract is currently sufficiently liquid to be used:
*Meats (Feeder Cattle and Lean Hogs)
*Micro Copper
*Micro Bitcoin
Regarding the approaches, there are numerous types of strategies included. For example, for the Mini S&P 500, which is known to be highly versatile, there are over 20 different strategies.
The strategies provided in the Database are closed-source, so you can modify the inputs to adapt them to Mini or Micro contracts, where available.